Meet the people of VeeOne – Fraser Sharman-Patch

Meet the people of VeeOne

We are proud to present Fraser Sharman-Patch MBA
Director Market Development and Planning.

I am hugely excited to join the VeeOne team in a role that spans Market Development and Business Consulting and allows me to utilise the knowledge and experience gained throughout my career to date.

I have spent the past 25 years in a variety of planning roles – including 19 years in aviation, working across 3 continents and 10 airlines. In addition, I spent 6 years outside the airline world, with Apple Inc. and a high growth UK challenger-bank, helping solve a number of planning related challenges. The one constant throughout all of these experiences has been the exam question “how can we plan in the most optimal way, whilst balancing the conflicting drivers of cost control, efficiency and employee satisfaction”. The world of planning has many trade-offs and seeking the perfect balance between these measures fascinates me.

VeeOne offers a compelling product that is unparalleled in today’s marketplace. It gives airlines the opportunity to move light years forward in their planning capabilities, gaining access to the best-in-class crew optimisers, a diverse, global team of experienced crew planners and an agile business model set up to meet each customer’s individual needs.

This is just the beginning.